martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

Rastafarian movement

The Rastafari movement is an African-based spiritual ideology that arose in the 1930s in Jamaica. It is sometimes described as a religion but is considered by many adherents to be a "Way of Life".

Rastafarians believe in a god called Jah.

Jah is the term in the King James Bible, Psalms 68:4. Jah Rastas view in the form of the Holy Trinity - Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Rastas Jah Say That in the form of the Holy Spirit (incarnate) Within the human lives. For this reason, They Often refer to Themselves as "I and I". "I and I" is used instead of "We" to Emphasize the equality Between all people, in the belief That the Holy Spirit within all people Essentially makes them one and the same.Rasta involves taking things lighter and harmony, defend our African people of babylon

Name : Rastafari means (ras) and name (tafari makonnen)of Haile Selassie I before the coronation.

¿who is haile selassie ?

The Rastafari movement perceives Haile Selassie as a messianic figure who will lead a future golden age of eternal peace, righteousness, and prosperity

¿Who is jah ?

Rastas say that Jah in the form of the Holy Spirit (incarnate) lives within the human. For this reason, they often refer to themselves as "I and I". "I and I" is used instead of "We" to emphasize the equality between all people, in the belief that the Holy Spirit within all people makes them essentially one and the same.

Rastas dress

Rastas dress as comfortable as possible, her clothes are made ​​from plant fibers, used whores slacks and loose, her dress always brings colors of the earth mother.

Important symbols

The flag of Ethiopia with green, yellow and red is the state banner raised by Marcus Garvey , and are frequently seen in clothes , designs graphics and other decorations. Red represents the blood of the martyrs . Yellow wealth and prosperity Africa has to offer. Green land and vegetation of Zion (ie , Ethiopia , see below ) . Red always goes up, as it represents the blood. When blood is below the ground (green ) means "death." The love they have for the Ethiopian flag is also a symbol of their loyalty to Selassie and other leaders or flags Babylon, and also a symbol who do not accept the current authorities or their flag in the countries in which they live .

The five-pointed star represents black man and black woman ( as well) . Head , arms and legs, her nakedness is covered with royal robes .

The Conquering Lion Lion or is also an important Rastafarian symbol , symbolizing both Africa and the Emperor Haile Selassie , or Jah same . It also represents strength and fight against oppression and injustice applied to the African people .

Robe and turban. Members of Bobo Shanti tunic and dress wear turban, inspired by their leader Emmanuel , and includes famous singers like Capleton and Sizzla .

Dreadlocks . The wear dreadlocks is also closely associated with the movement , though this is not universal ( or exclusive ) to the religionists . The dreadlocks are supported by the Rastafarian movement by the following verse from the book of Leviticus : " Do not show baldness on their heads , nor shave the end of their beards , nor make any cuttings in their flesh " 21:5 , and the Nazirite vow in Numbers 6 , therefore used as a vote for Jah , for this should not be taken as a simple hairstyle is a demonstration of unity with the highest R & R and requires more than respect , delivery . Generally the genetic type of African American hair creates naturally dreadlocks just stop combing . In skinned dreadlocks , the natural process is slower and messy, though dreadlocks can be done manually. The dreadlocks have come to symbolize the mane of the Lion of Judah and rebellion against Babylon.

Ganjah . Rastafarians generally believe that smoking cannabis ( known as ganjah or sacred herb ) serves as a direct channel to Jah and is an aid to meditation and access to true wisdom which is given by Jah Guide , ie if smoke , is to meditate and so in a deeper way , to know , do not do it at any time to get inside but superficial pleasure .

Rastafarian vocabulary

I: replaces "me", which is much more commonly used in Jamaican English than in the more conventional forms. Me is felt to turn the person into an object whereas I emphasises the subjectivity of an individual.

I and I: is a complex term, referring to the oneness of Jah (God) and every human. Rastafarian scholar E. E. Cashmore: "I and I is an expression to totalize the concept of oneness, the oneness of two persons. So God is within all of us and we're one people in fact. I and I means that God is in all men. The bond of Ras Tafari is the bond of God, of man. But man itself needs a head and the head of man is His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I (always pronounced as the letter "I," never as the number one or "the first") of Ethiopia." The term is often used in place of "you and I" or "we" among Rastafarians, implying that both persons are united under the love of Jah.

I-tal: is spiritually blessed food that has not touched modern chemicals and is served without preservatives, condiments or salts. Alcohol, coffee, milk, and flavoured beverages are generally viewed as not I-tal. Most Rastas follow the I-tal proscriptions generally, and some are vegetarians. Even meat-eating Rastas abstain from eating pork, as pigs are scavengers of the dead, as are crabs, lobsters, and shrimp, though other kinds of seafood are a Rastafarian staple.

I man: is the inner man within each Rastafari believer.

Irie: refers to positive emotions or feelings, or anything that is good. Specifically it refers to high emotions and peaceful vibrations.

Ites: derived from English "heights", means "joy" and also the colour "red". It can also be short for "Israelites".

Irator: replaces "creator", and Iration replaces "creation".

Idren or Bredren and Sistren refer to the oneness of Rastafarians and are used to describe one's peers (male - "bredren", female - "sistren").

Itinually replaces continually. It has the everlasting/everliving sense of I existing continuously.

Inity replaces "unity", demonstrating a general pattern of replacing "you" and similar sounds with "I".

Iya (higher): Rastafari vocabulary is full of references to the "iya man", "stepping higher and higher", etc., meaning either a reference to using cannabis, or the high aspirations, path etc. followed by the Rastafari. Iya is also used to refer to a friend. As in "Yes Iya", or "Cool Iya". Iyaric is the self-applied term for Rastafarian language. It is formed by a combination of Iya (higher) and Amharic, the language spoken by Haile Selassie I.

Other words

Babylon is an important Rastafarian term, referring to human government and institutions that are seen as in rebellion against the rule of JAH (Zion), beginning with the Tower of Babel. It is further used by some to mean specifically the 'polytricksters' who have been oppressing the black race for centuries through economic and physical slavery. Rastafari is defiance of Babylon, sometimes also called Rome — in part because of the 1935 Italian invasion of Ethiopia, then ruled by Rastafari's 'Living God,' Haile Selassie I, and partly because as the head of the Roman Catholic church the Pope is considered an opponent of Selassie I and Rastafari. Babylon the Great and Whore of Babylon are apocalyptic terms from the book of Revelation that may have been used to describe the pagan Roman Empire, which often persecuted Christianity. Babylon is also sometimes used by some Rastas with the more specific meaning of "police", insofar as they are seen as executive agents of Babylon's will. Politricks is a Rasta term replacing English "politics", because so many politicians, etc. turn out, they say, to be more like tricksters.

Everliving replaces "everlasting", particularly in the context of Life Everliving. The "last" in "everlasting" implies an end (as in the term "at last"), while the life the Rastas have will never end according to them, they being immortalists.

H.I.M. (His Imperial Majesty), pronounced him, and referring to Haile Selassie I.

Downpression replaces "oppression", because oppression holds man down instead of keeping him up (pronounced op in Jamaican patois.) Similarly "downgression" = "violence" (from aggression).

Livication replaces "dedication", to rid itself of a connotation of death.

Outvention replaces "invention", because mechanical devices are seen as outdated, and because it is the inner experience of being a Rastafarian that is invention.

Overstanding (also "innerstanding") replaces "understanding", referring to enlightenment that raises one's consciousness.

Aprecilove replaces "appreciate" because of the similarity to hate.

Amagideon is a Rasta theological concept meaning the general state the entire world is in now, and has been getting progressively deeper in since 1930, and especially since 1974. This is a slight mutation of "Armageddon", a name appearing in Revelation.

Zion refers to either Ethiopia or the whole continent of Africa, after the Day of Judgement, as well as a state of mind one can enter through Rastafari.

Know replaces "believe", as Bob Marley sang. Rastafarians do not believe Haile Selassie is God and that they the Rastas are the chosen people. They claim to know these things, and would never admit to believing them.


reggae is the music genre they hear most Rastas,born in Jamaica, is a type of music very relaxing, some letters are against many things, the rastas are composed, the most famous singer was bob marley, but many current singers as Alika, ganjah zone, morodo, swan fyahbwoy, prophetic culture among other important singers, the truth is a very nice pace.

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